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Monday, August 26, 2013

FDOS 2013 - Aidan and Sawyer

1st grade and Kindergarten.


I don't really understand when this happened. i see my kids at certain ages - aidan will always be 5 to me. sawyer 3. they don't act that age - its just what i want to say when people ask. maybe its my favorite ages? it will obviously change as they grow up... but this?! THIS is old. two kids in elem is big time, guys.

I took a few pics of sawyer (some while waiting for my lens to adjust to the humidity). Then some of aidan, then the both of them. I followed them at dropoff like a mamarazzi and went to both classes :) one day, they won't let me. so for now... i cherish this time.

sawyer was like "ok bye" with a quick kiss and hug. she was already working on her morning color page. aidan held my hand and rubbed my fingers as we walked to her classroom - she was excited, but nervous. sawyer doesn't look to the future as "what if" - aidan does. she is more cautious even though she is the one knew what to expect. luckily, they both said they had a great day.

i am so happy.

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we started the day smoothly, with our new checklist for the morning - and everything got done without a fight. hopefully this can continue lol

after i got home from dropping A and S off, miller and reese were like "um. so. what do we do?" ;) as the two party starters were now gone for 8 hours! reese asked to pick up aidan a few times. they took early naps, we went to therapy for reese. we'll get in our groove, too.

aidan went to dance company practice today at 4pm. i made dinner and let the other 3 play. this has been a normal day... even when my idle mind goes crazy with worry. without many others to focus on, i stare at reese more often and wonder whats going on in her head. but in the end, i take heed on how amazing she acts. how she walked, with a regular ol' walker, by herself, from our master bedroom to the living room... how she lauuuughs and laughs all day...

our wedding anniversary was this wkend :) 6 years. busy years. loving and awesome years. thanks to a good friend to watch the girls - we went out to dinner and just... hung out. it was wonderful.

next on the docket - labs tomorrow, miller's 2x/week preschool starts next week, and reese's PPCD (Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities -- she'd go in as "other health issues" and for 3 hours a day, she'd go to school! they would do her PT/OT/ST all there).

prayer requests - peace for me to chill out lol, reese's tumor to be shrinking, and for all of my kids to have an awesome and successful time at school. thanks all :)


  1. my heart swells for you! these are just...LOVE!! but the fill the frame of the two of them hugging slays me! <3

  2. Aww these photos make my heart ache, how did our kids get so big? Jack starts his first year of preschool in September. Thinking of you, and praying too.

  3. I have a 2 year old and this post made me cry, I can't even imagine kindergarten!

  4. I'm so going to hell, because between Sharmayne and Raag - all I can think of is TP
