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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Miller's FDOS ever.

"oh mi'wer" (as reese would say)... today was so fun for her. i knew she'd love going to MDO.

i usually do not have my kids start until the fall after they turn 2, but going to therapy, for reese, on mondays and wednesdays is just miserable for miller. we are stuck in a waiting room where i have to keep her corralled for an hour.

i took miller out for the cliche FDOS pics this morning, like i've done for years with the other girls.

eta: i wanted to add - those shoes are 6-9mo sized haha tiny miller feet!!
2013 FDOS miller2 2013-09-04_001 2013 FDOS miller5

then we went in for breakfast. mini pancakes. they start at the table. then end on the floor, picnic style. meh. stealing each other's food.

we got to the school and i tried to get a pic of them together. ta-da. ::snort::
2013-09-04_003 2013 FDOS miller10

walking down to class...

2013 FDOS miller11
2013 FDOS miller12 2013 FDOS miller13


then i took reese out and they played for a bit. i figured reese would be sad leaving miller - but she does understand the concept of "we'll be back to get her" since we do that for A and S. this way, though, we could talk later about the things miller might be doing. like playing babies :)
2013 FDOS miller16 2013 FDOS miller20 2013-09-04_005

then it was time to go...
2013 FDOS miller21 2013 FDOS miller22

miller said bye-bye. reese and i left. then reese cried for a second until we decided to "go shop!!" hey, it was her idea!! lol then miller even slept at school!! (IG - punkfictionv4)

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this week has been nice. every day has, really. we are very busy. running around town. i still worry all the time, but reese feels good. my belly is growing. the kids are happy. next week is chemo (month one of a new round) and we're ready to go -- i am still in the between of "c'mon end of chemo!!" (next march) and "no no. don't end! there's still tumor! will this be enough?!"

but that is in God's hands. :) i did want to let you all know that we'll be walking in the National Brain Tumor Society's Walk on November 9th :) WALK WITH US!! join our team!! we can rock our "cheese-cheese" shirts and rub bald heads lol hope to see you there!!


  1. Um when did Miller get big enough to wear a backpack? NOPE.

  2. Your kids are so adorable. I just want to hug and squeeze all of them. You can definitely tell what wonderful parents they have!!
