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Wednesday, May 14, 2014


we're living it. day by day.

if we were still on chemo, we'd have a bit one next week. instead, we have a port flush and labs.

i savor the little things as best as i can. watching miller and reese play is one of my favorite things to do.

reese and miller camera1

they are made for each other, really.

i stopped on the side of the road one night with aidan for no reason other than to see her face on camera.


i took only reese with me to the zoo for sawyer's field trip. it was so much fun. i couldnt sign up to be an actual volunteer since i didnt know how many kids i'd have to bring or even if i could go, but im so glad it worked out.

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and mother's day. EJ was out of town for a bachelor party til mid morning, that day, so it was just me and the girls in the morning. cuddled up.

2014-05-13_001 mothersday1

...and reese turned 4. her party is the wkend of my bday - which is when EJ's family will be here :) i had been prepping so long for a 4 year old, that it hit me and then flew by. her party will make it seem more real. 1.5 years ago, i wondered who my 4 year old would be. over the past months, reese's face has matured out of a toddler. she isnt the same 4 year old, physically, as i have had before, tumbling off the playground, running through the sprinklers, but she's the same in most every other way. she sings songs and makes jokes. she gets her feelings hurt. she gets excited over the same things your 4 year old does. we may not do hair, but we do make-up. i "do [her] eyebrows?" (eye shadow) most mornings. makes her feel pretty, i guess.

i have so much more to say. including updates about the "one of nine" project with jackie and grayson.

but for now, thank you for praying for reesey as we transition into a month that would have had chemo, but wont. and for that spot on the MRI that we will look at again in june that i want to puke about, but is not a big deal to anyone else.

IG: punkfictionv4
reese's fb page.

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