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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

another #dancemom wkend.

co-dance competition was this past wkend :)

the morning starts with convention with amazing classes with such great teachers.

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we went and ate lunch with our sweet friends - and then it was time to get ready. i start aidan's make up off and then let the pros ;) finish it haha

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how is she 7? i dont know when i got to the age to have a kid this old. so sweet. so pretty. i look at her and can see the teen she will become. then i am scared... haha my first born...

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she had mini company danced their sweet hearts out and did an amazing job. i can't wait to watch these friends get older together.

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how strong are you? dancer strong!

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eta: and i meant to post this one of aidan from last week :)

aidan sky dance1


  1. She is a mini- Amanda!! It looks like such a fun time. And I just said the same thing about my seven year old. We are still young, don't worry! ;)

  2. Oh my gosh. The last photo made my heart stop.

  3. Aidan is such a sweetie! She is absolutely gorgeous!!!
