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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

second to last.

this morning we came down to dallas children's for the 2nd to last big chemo.

reese has felt a lot better since she came home from the hospital after last week's sepsis.

i wrote something else in the last sentence, first. but then deleted it and typed something else bc every time i say reese is "feeling so good!" or something similar… i get a reminder kick in the ass.

everyone just said how good she looks. the whole month has been sick reese. RSV, low hemoglobin and belly aches, sepsis. just too much.

we made mad kitty cat meows at nurses. MEOW. ::catscratch:: reese laughs so much when i do it. usually, i reserve it for bad drivers and have my whole car full of kids in hysterics.

but today, i meowed at nurses.

her port was already accessed since we're doing IV meds at home. so thats easy. her hemoglobin is a bit low so we'll get blood tomorrow before we go home.

our oncologist came in and was talking about the "home stretch". april MRI will be our "baseline" for now. last chemo the week after that. july MRI will be our next one. remember, we are on vaca in july - so i'll wait, likely, til we get back, for that MRI. or maybe not. i dont know if i want to worry all vacation? or if i want to find out news before we go? what if its bad? maybe its awesome and we can celebrate? maybe ill let them decide…

he went on to talk about how october would be the next MRI. and then we could probably get her port taken out.

WHOA. WHOA. WHOA. slow down. ha.

i asked if i had to start taking her to a "regular kids" doctor. luckily no. not until her port is out. haha. good thing. all summer, we'd go once a month for port flushes and an appt. thats it. unless she got a fever.

so here we are, just hanging out. well, reese is sleeping. all of her meds are in and done and now we just have fluids til morning. so far, so good, for the day. seems too easy at the end… 

i have a month to decide what i want to do for reese's last chemo. i think i want all the kids up here with us. maybe. i dont know. its a huge deal, of course, but i almost dont know if i want to "celebrate" or not, in a big way. 

what i DO want, though, is a bit of help in making reese's end of chemo video. if you want to send reese a photo (camera or cell or whatever) of you or your kids holding a sign with a note to reese, i'd lovelovelove it. or message me on her facebook page. i want something to show her later. to show her how many awesome prayer warriors she had. and how many people truly love her. it overwhelms me, to this day. and i want her to know. so please send them to me over the next few weeks.  share with your friends who know of reese, if you'd like. i cannot wait to put this all together.

i have a blog coming about dance competition for aidan last wkend. and corbin turns 3 months tomorrow. but i have pics to upload for that. i let aidan stay home from school yesterday bc she was so exhausted - and it was nice to have her at home with me, just hanging out. sawyer will have her chance next week, i think. 

maybe i'll sleep peacefully tonight. im trying my best not to just crawl into reese's bed while she's comfortable and sprawled out. but we'll see how long i hold out ;)

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