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Friday, March 28, 2014

corbin is 3 months.

everyone seems to like when i compare lol

aidan. or this.

and now corbin.

but let me rewind a few weeks.

corbin 10 weeks-1words corbin 11 weeks chair-6words 2014-03-26_002 2014-03-26_001 2014-03-26_003

she is such a blessing to our family. just what everyone needed. even miller wants a piece of her sometimes.

corbin 12 weeks-2words 2014-03-26_004 corbin 12 weeks1

and now she is 3 months old.

8lbs 3oz at her last appt. which was about a week less than 3 months.

C 3 months-5words 2014-03-28_001

she wears newborn/0-3 month clothes.

C 3 months2 C 3 months1

she eats on demand and really that could be 1hr to 4 hrs. she sleeps fairly well during the day and at night - but i couldnt give you times on that, either #baby5problems

she is a happy girl, but happiest in the arms of anyone. me. sisters. nonny/papa. ej. anyone. she just likes to cuddle. or sit up and just be played with that way.

"co'bin laughing!!" reese will holler in the car or from the other room. they all light up with corbin smiles.

but corbin is what reese needs at any time of the day. "i cuddle co'bin?" sometimes miller doesn't want to play. sometimes aidan and sawyer aren't around. but corbin is always ready for reese.
  R and C 3 month floor edit1R and C 3 month2 R and C 3 months couch2 2014-03-28_003 2014-03-28_002 R and C 3 months couch5

some people had commented, when i was pregnant with corbin, that it was such a bad idea.

that reese needed the attention. that it was selfish when we had a child with medical needs.

but its quite the opposite. corbin is exactly what the doctor ordered for reese.

 ...and what God ordered for this family.


  1. <3 she is an amazing blessing. I get chills looking at the last photo. God bless your family, Amanda!

  2. Corbin is getting so big! She is so cute. I love seeing the month by month changes. They do grow up so fast :( The last picture is so sweet. Reese just loves her so much....precious.

  3. She's so adorable! I don't understand people who have to voice their crappy opinions. This is your life, not theirs. Corbin is beautiful and there's no such thing as too much love. Your family is precious.

  4. LOVE this post! And yes. Co'bin is EXACTLY what Reese needs! ( and the whole family too!)
