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Sunday, January 18, 2015

birthday back up.

I feel like I am overwhelmed with the things I want to say about my oldest and my youngest having their birthdays this past december.

becoming a mother was all I ever wanted to do. aidan completed me. completes me. she "gets" me, in every which way. at only 8, she is someone that understands any look i give, she reads in between the lines, and her heart was built like mine: sensitive, emotional, sentimental...

when we were moving clothes, recently, from reese's room to miller's, she asked what happens when, then, its passed to corbin. after corbin, what happens?

we just sort of stared at each other. 

corbin is the exclamation point on the skelte family. she is funny and sneaky. and does things on purpose. she steals her sisters things and randomly will laugh. she is a lovey who will lay her head down on anyone around. she cruises confidently and is starting to stand. she will walk soon and then i'll cry. 

because, truly, she is our last. 

i told aidan "well, i don't know..." and she said "i guess i will have to save them for my kids..." and i smiled knowing that God gave me the perfect first born. 

each of my children have a special place in my heart. they each have something that makes me see myself in them. each one knows how to push my buttons in a different way. and each one loves in a spectacular way, unlike the other. 

but aidan being 8. and corbin turning 1. well, it just sort of solidified a new stage in our lives. a stage i am and am not ready for at the same time. but it is what it is. and i can't make babies forever. lol

let me dote, for a second. 

aidan is in 2nd grade. she is friendly. she is loving. she is smart. she is GT at her school and going to that class is her favorite time. she loves to read and science. she loves american girl dolls and still cuddles her "scooze dog" at night. she takes things seriously and you need to be careful with jokes. she has a snippy attitude sometimes that comes out of no where, but within minutes, she is apologizing because she is worried that she hurt your feelings. she worries about reese. she protects sawyer. she gets into trouble with miller. and hover-mothers corbin. "are you the mom, aidan?" she naturally protects and she loves with her whole heart. she can't leave for school without a kiss and a hug. she is talented at most things she does. she is an amazing dancer and i watch her with awe. but she's shy and not confident. she plays with her hands when she's nervous. she is so silly with her family and her friends love her because of those same silly quirks. she is a pre-pre-teen who teeters between knowing friends don't hurt feelings, but wanting everyone to like her. she is surrounded by friends, but still sometimes misses her old school. she yells for alone time, but never really takes it when the opportunity arises. she is my sweet baby, my first born. my heart.

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ooooh corbin. now that she is one, she crawls around this house, like a boss. she tries to find naughty things, but immediately hands them over when you say her name. she is the first kid to throw things in my toilet. she could eat all day and hollers "mmmmmMORE" when her tray is empty. she kisses on the lips and lays her face on your face. she still breastfeeds randomly, but thats the last bit of baby i have from her. with cruising and standing - soon she'll be walking. and then i won't be a mother of a baby, but of a toddler. she loves me. truly i am her favorite person on earth. as it should be. and i love her. she makes me giggle with her own belly laughs. she makes sneaky faces when she knows she is in the wrong and is proud of her trouble making tendencies. she will give me a run for my money. oh baby 5, you are perfect. .

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we are so blessed. with these 2 lovelies on the end and the amazing 3 in between them, i am out of words, really.

happy birthday corbin. happy birthday aidan. sorry this post is so late - i could blame it on 100 things, but all that matters is that you know that i. love. you.

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1 comment:

  1. I think it's beautifully poetic that your first and your last came into this world around the same time. It's like your beginning came full circle with Corbin. You will always get to celebrate your first and last at the same time. I love that. As always, your pictures and your words are beautiful. These are lucky girls to have a mama like you.
