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Sunday, January 4, 2015

already rolling.

i woke up between 4-430am on friday morning. i got my clothes on, fixed my makeup and hair, and picked out reese's outfit. i got her socks, boot, and shoes together and pre-made her meds. i went back to the bed (she was sleeping in ours, of course), and she had found her way under EJ's back.


she looked so small.

"reesey... wanna get out of bed?" with those words, she popped up like a poptart and we got ready for the day. "i say bye to my daddy?" of course. she went back, kissed him goodbye, and we were on our way to the hospital.

i put on fun music on in the car, but she was obviously tired. we walked in together, only to get in line for the 5:30am check in. then we have another check in at 6am. then taken back for surgery at 7:30am. reese knows the routine. she no longer complains about not having a drink anymore. she hops on the scale and holds her arm out for her blood pressure to be taken.

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i signed all of the paper work, we watched some tv, and then she got her versed/pre-meds and then gave me kisses goodbye. "i go do my bubblegum!" which is the mask that smells like bubblegum and puts her to sleep.

the next time i saw her, in the PACU, still sleeping heavily, she wasn't the same as she went in. she had a port again - very close to the same spot. i was happy about that because she mentioned it going there - so there weren't any surprises.


they gave her pain meds while waking up and so she fell asleep for a few hours, while we went to grab food and wait upstairs in clinic.

after a few hours, it was chemo time. vinblastine in. hopefully tumor going out.


we scheduled a month's worth of chemo appointments and we were on our way.

yesterday, though, she had just 99 fever all day. she felt so.much.warmer than that, but after several hours, we finally said that we were going to run to legacy because she felt so crappy. the last thing i wanted was some sort of port infection or whatever. she was a bit emotional. putting the numbing cream on her port site triggered a bit of tears. just... sad. "i wan' go home and see my daddy..." and it broke my heart. we will be in the swing of things, again, i hope. she got her rocephin and we went home. all was well. and today she feels great. much more normal reesey.

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i get a lot of questions on FB and IG about tumor size - or how much it changed from sept to dec, etc - so i wanted to show you some screenshots, here. she has come a long way. amazing doctors, skillful surgeons, modern medicine, and prayers

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reese may have these scars on the outside, but on the inside, she is my brave, sweet girl. laughing through most everything that comes her way.

reese jan 2015 hair1 reese after port1 reese after port2 reese after port3


  1. And I say it again. You guys are awesome! Praying for routine again as I know even when it's a routine for a crappy reason it just helps. Hugs and prayers.

  2. Praying for your beautiful family. I have been watching and reading through your journey. I am amazed and inspired by Reese's journey and the joy I see you all continue to exude through it all.

    Love to you, your family and sweet Reese.

    God bless you!
