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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

first day of school 2014.

the last time that i took official FDOS photos of reese was 2012. she was starting the 2's class mdo. she had a pink sparkly backpack, an adorable lunch box, and a huge giggly grin. she would go on and off for a month, being sent home for random vomiting. the entire month of october, basically, she would miss. then i went up to the school and said that i was probably going to withdraw her til the next january bc i just didnt feel as if things were okay.

then that photo would be the photo. it was the face of reese and her fight. it was her #gingerfight photo. it was on headers and pray chains and shared by hundreds of people. her last FDOS photo, before monday, was the "before". it exemplified the happy little box of normalcy that i thought we lived in.

reese 2012 FDOS5

so if that was the before, then this is the after.

at least right now. and i'll take it.

FDOS 20143

aidan is now in 2nd grade and sawyer in 1st. to have a second grader seems very old. she has a planner in her school binder - something big kids have. aidan and sawyer take the bus home. they dont need me to wait at the bus stop, but i do. i told them 100 times "make sure your sister is always on the bus or don't let it leave!!"

monday was hard to organize. i had to get reese to school the same time as A and S. and while EJ could have done the big girls, aidan protested "but you always take us the first day..." and so i did.

but first we took photos. of course.

FDOS 20141 FDOS 2014-8 FDOS 20142 FDOS 2014-10 FDOS 20144

foxy obviously was going, too. reese's laylee was in her backpack and then foxy by her side.

FDOS 20145

and off to school we went.

FDOS 2014-12 FDOS 201415 FDOS 2014-13 FDOS 20146

i wrote on facebook a bit about that last photo - i was focusing on reese. i wanted to get her reaction to leaving her sisters, but instead i got so much more. aidan, my sweet big girl, so sad to leave reese. what a treat to find on my card.

we said goodbye and headed to reese's school. and got a warm welcome from friends.

FDOS 201419 FDOS 2014-18 FDOS 2014-21 FDOS 201423 FDOS 2014-24 FDOS 20147

...and then she waved goodbye and was at school til 2pm ::faint:: (MWF she is full day. T/Th she is half).

to think that next year she will be going to kindergarten makes my heart skip a beat.

next week, miller starts mdo - and then for 2 days a week, itll just be me and corbin.

no one knows what the future will bring. but, then again, i didnt know what the future was going to bring in 2012 and still lived life day to day.

scans are coming soon. mid september. im caught between anxious and confident - like always.

i hope this is the lull. i hope this is down the mountain to a happy plateau. i hope that this is where we embrace our new normal. a better normal, because we have lived the worst.

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