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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

finally sitting down.


this week is exhausting and only getting worse.

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we move this week ::confetti::

as an update: we [finally] closed on the houses last week.

we have been packing like crazy people. but still, somehow, the house doesnt look any more packed than it did ;) its like a black hole of items.

yes we have purged. oh holy hell have we purged. donated, big trash day'd… you name it, i've done it. if i havent used it - its gone. i feel super refreshed about it, actually. but its still seven people in this house - so a lot of stuff.


like clothes. ::twitch:: and toys. and things i throw away that somehow come back out… #livinghell

anyway. last week we had reese's hearing test: it went awesome. except when she would respond by meowing ;) - which is not really surprising, considering we give her "kitty cat meds!!" (sometimes puppy) and she takes them super easily now lol

she took the week off of school because of low counts. thursday night (i think it was thursday?) she had a fever. 100.5 - so we called. they said wait 30 mins. at that point it was 99. and then nothing 30 mins after that. thank heavens.

a week ago monday (the 13th), reese had an MRI. it was in the afternoon and was head/spine so it took foreverrrrr. but no, still no call from them. truly, i feel at peace with them not calling. we had the MRI in december that showed tumor shrinkage. we were looking at those other spots that she had with the meningitis to make sure it wasnt something weird, in her head, making her sick. but since the abx worked, she's back to her normal, sassy self - and we haven't had a call… im going with "no news is good news" and that there was simply nothing to report. i normally would have seen them on tuesday and then again today, but we only had labs and they were at legacy, not downtown. so i didnt see the onc. but really -- keep your prayers going that im right ;) we have our normal appt next week before admission for cisplatin/vp16.


hmm. what else… OH my boobs hate me. so thats neat. my life has been: i got thrush. ouch. feeding hurt so bad, id pump and then feed her, but she was so tired that we went too long. then i got clogged ducts that turned into mastitis. so i did vinegar/water rinses, gentian violet, i am now taking diflucan and an abx, corbin is on diflucan, too. i take a probiotic and grapefruit seed extract - and i also have APNO. if i didnt have these tiny cuts on my tatas right now - all would be dandy and cleared up. :( its been miserable. [purple milk and face from the GV].

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so thurs/friday is our official "movers are coming" dates. painters tomorrow. dance competition friday night and all day saturday (lol have fun moving, EJ!!) for aidan. and i'll be in packing hell until then.

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:) wish me luck. i will post updates on IG [punkfictionv4] throughout the week. :)

1 comment:

  1. Is that Sawyer i the first picture??? She looks so grown up! Hope all goes smoothly with the move...
