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Thursday, December 5, 2013

thanksgiving and pre-xmas.

so we all know how this goes. over a month past MRI and i start to get all crazy and anxious and such.

but right now, i feel good. because reese feels good.

we had her ARD meeting for PPCD this past week and we're ready to start when the semester resumes in january. she'll be in a class thats mainly for speech, but of course they'll work on things with her all day. she'll be doing so much PT and OT just to be IN the class with other kids - color, scissors, standing at tables. using her walker, etc. they dont even want her stroller. just reese and her walker.

game on.

she loves going to just visit at PPCD bc everyone is so awesome and warm and inviting. i cant wait til she makes new friends and tells me about her day.

reese had chemo on tues/wednesday - EJ stayed at the hospital tues night when he got there, finally, after work. i was there all day for appointments and chemo and such. i often get asked "so what happens when her chemo is done…"

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and with tear-filled eyes, i asked her oncologist on tuesday.

i blamed it on being, oh, 36 weeks pregnant, but the thought of not having this chemo regimen scares me. i dont want it to end. but it must - as all protocols have risks up until a certain point. then, the risks become compoundingly higher - like secondary cancers, hearing loss, etc. BUT thats besides the point - as he just said "well, hopefully life just gets easier and we see you for an MRI every 3 months".

that answer was too… erm… easy for me.

"what if there's something… left?"
"well hopefully thats just damaged tissue"
"ok right. um what if its tumor? you have a PLAN, right?"
::more tears::

and of course they do. #bigheartsandhugshere lol whether it be we do some other sort of chemo until she can do radiation or proton therapy or whatever -- we'll just zap those pieces ;) but this chemo has been going very well, in all eyes, so we'll cross that bridge then.

so, onward. lets get to the nitty gritty of the holidays ;)

nikki and andy hosted thanksgiving! it was delicious and awesome and so fun to be with all the families :)

outfits by rhinestones and tutus. :)

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last saturday brought a ton of fun as aidan got to window dance, again, in downtown mckinney with dancer strong.

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then i swapped reese and sawyer and we went back down to watch a few dances being performed on the square!! p.s. how cute are S and rylan lol

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then we went and played around the square. the carousel ride was closing up, but did a "if you can get a horse, you can get on for free!!" last ride. so we ran for a spot!! haha then ate carnival nachos. lmao ew and yum.

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here's a few recent IG - follow us! punkfictionv4 -- or maybe this link?

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