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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

dupree dance competition and convention.

ok finally writing this post :)

not much to say except awesome time, the girls got platinum, and they learned a lot and had fun!!

2013-04-15_001 Dupree Convention5 2013-04-15_002 2013-04-15_003 Dupree Convention32 2013-04-15_004 2013-04-15_005 2013-04-15_006 Dupree Convention284 2013-04-15_009 2013-04-15_010 Dupree Convention1 2013-04-15_007 2013-04-15_008

as a special little thing, i made a video of some of the spring fun things that aidan has done at DS this year :)

Dancer Strong Minis - Spring 2013 from amanda skelte on Vimeo.

#aidkaid and Josie!! #dupreedance #aidkaid #dupreedance #dancemom
#dancemom #aidkaid #dupreedance hanging out #lightinspired #vsco_kids #dupreedance #aidkaid #dancemom


  1. Beautiful girls! Amazing talent! I love the video! So cute!:)

  2. Love these pictures and the video!!

  3. Aidan is the coolest 6 year old ever! Girlfriend has got moves in that vid!
