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Friday, May 13, 2016

Reese is 6.

I officially cried when the entire car started singing "Call Me Maybe". This is all I wish for my children - laughter and love and silliness and wonder. 

I blew up balloons until my chest hurt. I found the tape and unwrapped the streamers and decorated the ceiling of the van. I could picture what her face would look like when she saw it - and I was 100% spot on. 

This donut dress was the best surprise of the celebration - so perfect, so her. She looked fancy and free and her friends swooned which made Reese beam with pride. 

We rode around town picking up friends, singing, dancing, tossing balloons. We went to the donut shop and had a total "yes day" for Reese and her friends. Chocolate milk, kolaches, extra donuts... anything you ask for is a YES. 

I watched her friends help Reese with her dress, I smiled as they gave us to her as they walked by, I melted at their gentle touch when just playing with her hair. 

I blasted music and rolled down the windows as we sang Katy Perry's birthday song and rolled up to the school. They stepped out and walked into the school on a giggly sugar high. I collected my tears and memories and went home so full of happiness. 

...and so did Reese. 

Happy Birthday, Reesey. My quiet newborn. My sleeper and cuddler from day one. Your sneaky faces from the beginning of life and big eyes of wonder. You teach us how to love and live and make every day the best. You remind us to slow down and stop for a hug because, sometimes, that's all we need. You bring a smile to anyone's bad day, but you also have a temper that relates to that red hair. You're silly. You're demanding. You're smart and you work hard. You are thoughtful. You are the other half of "the troublemakers!!!!" with Miller and also Corbin's best friend. You are Aidan's sweet angel and Sawyer's fun cohort. My middle baby... I love you.


  1. The birthday dress! Precious! What fun.

  2. Happy late Birthday Sweet Reese!

  3. Happy Birthday sweet Reese! It has been so fun watching her grow up. What a light she is to others, including others like me who only "know" her from the internet.
