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Monday, September 21, 2015

so much life.

Since the first day of school, we've been busy. I have wanted to do lots of things - like,ya know, go to the gym, sit on my butt at home, and relax. but none of that has happened. I should/could blog all the time, but I am never sure if it's too much. This fall, I am going to start going back to more often so I can keep up. 

Aidan started a solo for this year with her dance company. She is doing a modern/contemp type piece and, while she has only had 2 practices so far, I can already see her starting to grow into her self just a tiny bit more. Aidan, Sawyer, and I spent the wkend in oklahoma, recently, for a dance intensive and it was so fun. I knew how it would go for Aidan - she works hard (usually), she loves to learn, and she walks away feeling a bit of fire inside that she can do something, anything, better next year - no matter how awesome she is. Sawyer goes for the laughs and fun. She danced her heart out with her friends and I really saw something amazing that I don't often see.

Miller started soccer - and of course I missed her first game because I was in oklahoma. But my amazing friend took some photos for me. She looks so adorable and tiny in her big, oversized jersey. EJ said she played, drank water, sat with him, and then played a bit more after he gave her his sunglasses ;) sounds like a plan to me!

We went to the Plano balloon festival this wkend- It was insane, like usual, but we go because the kids love it so much. They danced with each other for an hour, they counted down and clapped at every glow, and then fireworks with friends ended the night. It was wonderful - even if I got my entire month's workout pushing strollers on grass.

Chemo is mondays most of the time (tues one time a month, downtown). I drop Aidan off at her friend's house (who then takes her to dance, later), then we race to chemo where Corbin runs around with no rules, Sawyer's heels sound like an esteemed doctor in the hallways, and Miller sits in the window and watches Reese get her meds.

Reese loves school so much. She is surrounded by friends... kids who wave "hey reese!!" in the hallways and make me tear up. Girls who hug her goodbye like little friends do. She comes home with stories about the playground and PE and her teachers. Last Thursday, one of her amazing teachers set up "childhood cancer awareness day". It was awesome. I got some shirts for some of the girls' teachers (I really wish I could have been able to buy one for every single teacher in the school. ugh. If you want one - you can get one here ---> HERE.) We went on the announcements, played a small video, and really took the school over with gold. It was fabulous. I am really excited to start earlier next year and plan a fabulous day.

Aidan ran for student council class rep. I made bitchin' posters. She still lost. No tears were shed. ;)

Sawyer's reading has gone up 6 levels this year already. Honestly, refreshing some of last year and also her being on her meds all of the time - she really has learned new techniques to take with her throughout the day. I am so happy to see her doing well.

Miller started school after labor day :) I feel like I can hardly contain my giggles when I look at these pics. I love her face so much. She goes 3 days a week and loves every second. She is so smart and social. I could write a book on only the things Miller says every day.

Corbin is with me. Everyday. She makes it as hard on me as possible because she is a hilarious nutcase, but alas, my last baby... this is our time, now. This is our time to be just us while we can.

I said something on Facebook, but not on the blog, recently - but at her last downtown children's appointment with our main oncologist, he told us that Reese was, in fact, positive for the BRAF mutation of V600e.  I am going to link wiki here to help explain it. It is a good thing. There are targeted therapies that are running through (or have gone through) trials and are not available to Reese if she needs it. Her next MRI is at the end of October... so we will know, then, if we'll continue the vinblastine course for the rest of 2015 or swap to something else. 

Today is crazy hat day. I went upstairs to the hat box and was pulling out so many memories. A whole box of hats that reese used when she was our little baldy. There are days when I so miss that bald head. Rubbing that fuzz on my face, if there even was fuzz, seeing her in the cutest hats and surprising people when she took it off. I realize now what a small fraction of time in our lives that was - a little over a year and a half of total smooth skin or fuzzy blonde peach fuzz.

She picked a crocheted flower number that some amazingly sweet soul gave to her years ago. She will rock it with her tiny bob underneath. 

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