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Saturday, April 18, 2015

spring showers.

this spring has been cloudy and rainy. it is making me absolutely insane. it's too dark all of the time and i need sun to survive haha

everything is very "status quo" except for my stress and anxiety. except that i suppose me being a bit stressed IS the status quo. reese has had a few fevers that sent us to the ER at inconvenient times, but her counts have been well enough to just get meds and go home. I overthink things all the time, but the countdown to our make a wish vacation is closing in....

this season is always the same things - dance competitions, bluebonnets (which I'm not posting bc I'm not even done culling or editing), playing outside. the spring starts to unfold and you can see a glimmer of summer. Easter had rain, I took sawyer out on yet another cloudy day, and we searched for sun wherever we could.

this post is more of a pic post. i have a lot of words coming soon about a lot of other things. and i need to get these out there.


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  1. I love these, especially the Sawyer dance photos!

  2. I seriously adore your pictures. <3

  3. I can't believe how big your kids are now. Seems like it was just yesterday that we were snarking each other (I forget, were you "dee" or "dum"? I'm sure you will get the reference). On the other hand, it feels like a lifetime ago. Guess it was a different life, in many ways. Things have certainly changed.
