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Thursday, April 2, 2015

a lot of nothing.

I feel like we are in a holding point, right now. Which is fine, of course, that things seem to be going well in most areas. Softball, for sawyer has started. Aidan's dance competition season has ended, but now all except for corbin are learning their recital dances for the end of May.

We are still weekly vinblastine. Reese is just truckin' along, week by week, school every day, chemo on tuesdays, therapy... We had her transitional ARD meeting a little bit ago and we are all good to go for kindergarten next year. Her IEP is filled with ever so slight adjustments that will help her be the smallest, the kid in the boot, unable to write, still needing speech, but all the while, totally mainstream.

Reese had an appointment with her doctors, downtown, on tuesday and all is well. Her next MRI is May 5 - and we will go back up after to either 1. do chemo, like we are supposed to that day or 2. talk about a new protocol if the MRI isn't as good as expected. Have a stable tumor and being able to stay on vinblastine is obviously my prayer. I hope it can be yours, too.

I feel like the spring is filled with so much. I look at my planner, every week, and it is filled with appointments, shoots, practices and games, dress rehearsals and then vacation. The hospital has asked me to speak at a fundraising event in a couple weeks and while I am nervous, I will feel much better when I start immersing myself in the actual writing portion ;) Luckily, this is my jam and I am truly excited to get my thoughts and brainstorming on paper. I can't decide whether I want to read and re-read it to desensitize myself or just let the emotions go, as I need to. We will see how weepy I get and maybe that will lean me one way or another ;)

Corbs walks 100% of the time, but her knee fat is impeccable. Miller wears 2 different shoes most of the time and sunglasses to shade herself from the awesome. Sawyer is doing so much better in school, but will likely be known for her cheetah heels, forever. and Aidan is getting ready to try out for her school talent show, which hopefully will build some solo-type confidence.

I feel like there's always so much "hurry up and wait", but right now its more of a "hang out as is" and so I am going to relish in it.

IG: theskelteseven

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  1. Prayers for a great MRI and an even more awesome Spring & Summer!
