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Friday, February 6, 2015

Miller is 3.

I don't know how this happened.

The day she was born. and then the actual birth story is here.

The girls look like babies. just... sigh. look at reese. just barely a toddler. They immediately fell in love with miller as they do with any sister that comes into their lives.

I talk a lot about miller on IG (theskelteseven) because she's with me all of the time, mostly. And because she is so funny. and so terribly naughty.

I've never had a 2-3yo who talks the way she does. I never had a toddler who used adult euphemisms and speaks in hilarious banter. I never had a kid who finds lipstick and takes it and writes on things with it "bepuzz I can". She walks over just to say "I love you, mommy" for no reason. She has been using the potty since before 18 months and STILL is not fully potty-trained... because she She falls asleep, on her own, like an angel - and has since the day she slept through the night.

She is "go with the flow" because... she always has been. After reese was diagnosed, she spent countless nights with my parents, then back at home, then to my brother/SIL's, then back to my parents, whatever was needed until we were home from the hospital. she never minded, she still just loves to hang out with people. she loves school. loves her teachers. loves her friends.

Today I followed her around. We had things to do. Take reese to school, birthday donuts, a quick store trip --- one that turned into a "yes" trip. so i said yes to disgusting fruit snacks and cheesy PJs. then we had to take corbin to the doctor (she has RSV. boo.) we met miller's bff for lunch, who happens to have the same birthday :) and then resting, playing on the trampoline, loving on her sisters, the park, a giggle-seth, and finally - birthday fro-yo.

Happy birthday, Miller Paige. You make my days happy, you make me go nuts. You warm my heart with sweet kisses and know exactly what buttons to push. I love you, #badbabymiller

Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0011 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0012 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0013 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0014 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0015 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0016 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0017 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0018 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0019 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0020 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0021 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0022 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0024 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0023 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0025 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0026 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0027 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0028 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0029 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0030 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0031 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0032 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0033 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0035 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0034 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0036 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0037 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0038 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0040 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0039 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0041 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0042 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0043 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0044 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0045 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0049 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0050 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0046 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0048 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0047 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0051 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0052 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0053 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0054 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0055 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0056 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0057 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0058 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0059 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0060 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0061 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0062 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0063 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0065 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0064 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0066 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0067 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0068 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0069 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0070 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0071 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0072 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0073 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0074 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0075 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0076 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0077 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0078 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0079 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0080 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0081 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0082 Miller DITL McKinney Texas Family and Lifestyle Photographer Amanda Skelte Gingersnap Photographs_0083

goodnight, sweet baby. it was awesome spending yet another day with you.


  1. Wow, what a great birthday for Miller and what an awesome photographer your are. I loved to see your girls grow they are so beautiful. From Quebec, Canada, love and hope ! xxx

  2. Loveeee! Happy (belated) birthday naughty monkey miller! *kisses and hugs *
