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Sunday, April 20, 2014

happy easter.

flashback time.

sunny easter 2013.
happy easter 2012.
another easter 2011.

last night i got their baskets ready. well, no actual baskets, but the stuff that goes in one ;) i wrote a note from the easter bunny…

… that i left up on my computer this morning. and had to explain to them how "i did think that my chair had been moved!!!" and how rude the EB was to not even ask me ;)

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and then today, we went to the beach. we talked last night about possibly going to the little elm lake - and then this morning made it official. i made sandwiches, got snacks ready, packed them up in suits, got 209384029 things needed for the day packed into the car - and then left. lol

miller was afraid of the sand for the first half or so. that was fun. lol


corbin slept most of the time. but then was a happy girl.


aidan and sawyer competed to build the best hill of sand.


reese just hung out and watched everyone.


the water was freezing. it didnt stop A and S from getting in. it was a happy day.

every day is a happy day. that is never the problem. the problems are in the moments. the few seconds a day that take my breath away. it can change the course to bad, or to even better. until the next moment comes.

i felt it once today while driving to the beach. bad.
i felt it at the beach. good.
i felt an overwhelming, chest clutching feeling of love while talking about snacks tonight upstairs. good.
i felt it when reese touched and simply mentioned her head tonight. bad.
i felt it when she went into my bedroom, got her walker, stood up, and walked into the family room with it. good.
i felt it when she reese asked if i was a kitty (meow meow). and then scratched my head and meowed back, tonight, when i was putting her to bed. good.

no, that was great, actually. all of those good moments were great.

its not something that i will likely ever get away from. this will happen for decades. forever. reese will have a long day with her kids and call me over a glass of wine and tell me that her head hurts.

...and my breath will be taken away. just like that. and then it will pass, like it always does. when i rationalize my (only semi) irrational thoughts into compartments.

we got home, took some naps (not reese! don't kid yourself!), made dinner together, aidan set the table bc she "wanted to be fancy!" (lol), then we took baths, and watched frozen (duh).

it was a happy easter. as it should be. i hope that your day was filled with love and happiness and remembering what the day was meant for.

I Corinthians 6:14 “By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.”

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1 comment:

  1. I honestly don't know where you get the energy to do all the things you do in one day! Blessings to you!
