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Monday, March 3, 2014

2 month old corbin.

people seem to like comparisons so --

as close as i can find aidan right now.
reese. and then - reese 7 weeks where i did a shoot ish.

lets catch up and watch her grow...

corbin6weeks1 corb 7 weeks-1text corb 8 weeks-1words corb8wsb2 corb8wsb1 corb 8 weeks7

corbin is 2 months and what a sweet baby.

her sisters are simply in love. they want to cuddle her, help her… its a perfect fit.


corbin 2 months2

she hates her own arms, basically. she loves to be swaddled. she only kind of likes the car. she likes to be cuddled most of the time - even when playing :) she isnt one to just "hang out" unless wrapped in the swing.


when we went to the dr on her exact 2 month bday, last week, she weighed in at 7lbs 9oz. we have her well check this thursday where i'll find out height and head and such.

she wears newborn clothes. i have some 0-3 stuff but its super big. diapers are newborn or 1s depending on whatever i grab.

corbin 2 months-10words

she talks to us. its the best. if you have IG - HERE is a vid.

she eats about every 2-3hrs depending on what we are doing. she loves to be worn in my sling, still. which is super useful. lol

for me, she sleeps really well. likely because i can toss her on my boob in bed. otherwise she's in the RnP, swaddled, on her side.

she is still slightly, hilariously cross-eyed sometimes.

happy 2 months, sweet girl. youre the perfect addition to this crazy house.
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1 comment:

  1. She is so tiny and so cute! You have a beautiful family,

    Lots of love,

