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Monday, December 30, 2013

reese's hospital roundup.

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 i wanted to get these blogged really quick before i wrote out corbin's birth story, etc. i still have aidan's party and xmas to do, too, but i have been asked how reese is so thats first and foremost :)

reese feels so much better. since ID decided that it was bacterial meningitis, the vanco and cefipime (sp?) worked its magic. all of the neuro side effects went away - which is fascinating (and obviously awesome) to me. the days where she was very sick, her speech was labored, her eye was squinty, she had a harder time following with her eyes… it was all so strange. and scary. :(

but she's back to normal reese now. im having to boot her right leg a bit more since she wasnt walking for a couple of weeks (walker would not fit in room to use and she wasnt allowed OUT of her room). so while we had PT and OT (and music!!) come to the room - it wasnt the same as being at home.

here at home (we left monday the 23rd) we do meds every 8 hours. an hr before its due, we take it out of the fridge. the cefipime is a ball/bubble thing that you hook up and the negative pressure, then, sucks up the meds. we give her benadryl when she does the cefipime bc she is allergic to the vancomycin. after the first, we do the alcohol, saline, etc etc and hook her up to the vanco (on an IV pole) - that takes 2 hours. then after that we saline and heparin lock her. NOW we are on a 6am, 2pm, 10pm schedule but this is really recent. we were on a 3am schedule and it was miserable. we slowly ticked it around.

she has 21 days of these abx - so its over this coming saturday. but there's chemo tomo/wednesday - so they'll be able to do them there. we'll still have an MRI on jan 13, as scheduled, so they can rule out that weird ribbing that we saw with the other scan. no one really has any concerns, considering how well she is doing on the abx. and im holding strong to already having an MRI a few weeks ago with a SHRINKING tumor ;)

on another note - im slightly (ok more than slightly) anxious about reese starting PPCD on monday. i dont want her to go anymore :( but i know it will be best for her. i will miss her. ill miss hanging out during that time. and ill be worrying the entire time she's gone. i am totally crying as i type this, by the way. ha. we'll see - im sure she'll love it so much that my heart will swell. she'll be busy and playing and modeling after other kids -- and standing to do things, etc. its a blessing and i know itll be okay. but my heart still hurts.

ok on to pics. these are just some hospital pics since the last IG ones. :) she loved having her sisters come visit more than anything. #sistersarethebestmedicine indeed.

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