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Sunday, May 26, 2013

reese's birthday and sawyer's graduation.

and everything in between.

i have been meaning to post this for a while, of course. but didnt have the time. tonight, however, its just me and aidan sitting on the couch (S and M are in bed) while EJ runs reese downtown bc she had a slight fever (99-100) and we're just wanting a bit of rocephin so we can be on our way. hopefully her counts are okay and we arent admitted.

so now i have a bit of time. where i can brag on my babies.

a few weeks ago, a dear friend came into town. erin (check her out here) and her adorable children came in town for like 10 days (with a mid-week break for her to visit others who love her). we had a wonderful time. and i was over the moon blessed to have her here for reese's birthday party, as well.

her entire party was spend cuddling, hanging out, laughing, and cuddling some more - with everyone whose day was made by that cuddle time.

but first, we woke up with some [big] sister love.

reese 3rd bday1bw reese 3rd bday3

and this i took bc my mom promised a smooch from reese's prayer warriors ;) so many people that i wish could have come celebrate with us -- but this will have to do haha
reese 3rd bday2 2013-05-19_014 reese 3rd bday27 2013-05-19_011 2013-05-19_012

my brother and reese!
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amaaazing and delicious cake from Black Flour!
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pinata time!!

reese 3rd bday21

i cannot believe she is 3. i thought about doing a whole "from 2 to 3" montage, but ill just show comparisons, instead. :) here is my sweetie on her 2nd birthday.

sneaky as ever haha
2nd bday reese6

the week after, was a busy one. reese had in patient chemo - and gave me a load of her "cheese" faces lol

it was one of the longest admission days, ever. just waiting... but she does so well. just hangs out with me.
Hahahahaha  #biggestsmileever #reesey #gingerfight #chemointumorout @alliemboss like the head wrap  getting one more use before I send back to Erin lol #reesey #gingerfight #chemointumorout silly today.
#chemointumorout omg still not in a room #longestdayever #reesey #gingerfight Yayyyyy in a room!!! #reesey #chemointumorout #gingerfight #longestdayever #reesey has one more hour #chemointumorout #gingerfight then we can start to go home
later in the week was sawyer's preschool graduation. 
she's going to kindergarten next year ::faint::
but ohhhh my what a big girl she has gotten. 

sawyer grad4

comparison from the beginning of the year haha
sawyer grad2
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off to her graduation!! when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she said "a fairy. so i can help people and plants!!"
sawyer grad9 2013-05-19_004 2013-05-19_005 2013-05-19_003 2013-05-19_002 2013-05-19_001

now a few random special ones. i did a post for light inspired 2 weeks ago about sleeping kids and giggled when the days after presented me with some funny ones ;)
sleeping babies1 sleeping babies2

and lastly, a fave from the... well, year. my sweet girls on my birthday this week. follow me on IG for daily hilarity - punkfictionv4

and please pray that we are out of the hospital asap!

all girls kitchen1


  1. Oh my, your girls are so beautiful! :) There are so many pictures that I LOVE!! The sleeping pics are too cute! And the one with Reese kissing your mom (?) so sweet. And the pic with all the girls...precious! Okay, so I guess I like all the pictures you take!!;) So glad she had a wonderful birthday!

  2. All I can do is grin when reading this, and that last photo makes me smile, big and happy. Such a gorgeous family you have. :-))

  3. not all that long ago, reese was 2.5 and received a devastating diagnosis. there were so many unknowns. and we're here, 3! the big 3! i can't wait for 4! for 5! for 10! i love that things are a new set of normal for you, without scary unknowns and awful issues. i hope, hope hope hope, like hell, with all that's in me, that there are is no more scary. that all the next birthdays come quickly, that the only eventful things that happen in your lives are good things. much love, skeltes. <3

  4. Seeing all your kiddos makes me want another! You can make such beautiful babies!
