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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

cupcakes and sillies.

so to catch up, sunday i had xmas mini-sessions :) omg so fun. such cutie pies.

yesterday, A and S made cupcakes with me to bring to aidan's class today bc her bday is this wkend :)
cupcake storyboard


reese hung out with puffs lol

today i let them watercolor.
paint and glasses2

and with sunglasses. sigh.
paint and glasses3

paint and glasses4


  1. We plan on being done having kids with the two we have. Your blog makes me want to have another so my daughter can have a sister.

  2. haha sisters are the best. ive realized this. <3 do iiiit!

  3. So cute! I wish we could make our own treats for the kids classes but because of student allergies we are no longer allowed too.
