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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

random weekly fun.

so, i was so excited about aidan and sawyer's bags that they had for school. i disclaimer'd them on the FDOS post. but then, we went to target. and all the backpacks were on sale. sigh. (luckily, and surprisingly, they WEAR them! so i dont even have to carry them!)

here's aidan's from monday.
new backpack1

new backpack2

sawyer and reese. being funny. (and thanks ashley for reese's stellar destin onesie!)
silly sisters1

silly sisters2

yesterday aidan was playing outside to eat a popscicle and i wanted to show off her curls lol
outside silly1

outside silly2

outside silly3

outside silly4

outside silly5

outside silly6

and the storm rolling out last night.


  1. I love that Aiden's shoes are on the wrong feet in the first picture! :)

  2. I noticed that 2 yr old always does!!!

  3. haha i forgot about that! yeah, she gets it right on her own about 80% of the time. 100% right with her flip flops! but tennis shoes trip her up LOL
