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Monday, June 28, 2010

everyday randoms.

this morning we made flag cookies. which aidan calls "race cookies!" basically bc she thinks all flags are for race cars (ala lightning mcqueen)


sawyer tried to take a bite.

i told her no and she thought she was sneaky ;)

noming on the cookies. i edited this green for funny reasons.

reese was sleeping her swing this morning when we did cookies. i move her 100 times, put blankets around her to help her stay up, but she ALWAYS ends up like this.
swing sleep2

swing sleep1

i went and got sawyer. she loves her naked baby. and that paci has got to go.
wake up with doll1

wake up with doll2

wake up with doll3

wake up with doll4

wake up with doll5

i re-calibrated today, but for some reason my eyes were hurting adjusting the color casts today. gah. i'll re-do some later.


  1. Reese reminds me of how Peyton would end up in her cradle swing!

  2. I love your pics. They are so cute. Your girls are to die for.
